Oiling hardwood garden furniture might seem like an easy deal. But start with a lack of information, and you will soon end up with a disaster. Here, we provide all the necessary information regarding hardwood garden furniture and the oiling procedure that should be followed.
Hardwood furniture looks good in the garden can be kept new and fresh by oiling with specific garden furniture oils like walnut oil, Danish oil, or even Tung oil. Typically, the oiling should be done twice a year to keep the furniture in its prime.
Oiling hardwood garden furniture might seem like a tough job, but it is not. A combination of the right knowledge with the right tools can make this task fun and enjoyable.
How to maintain hardwood garden furniture?
Many people are wary of keeping hardwood furniture in their garden for several reasons. New furniture looks good and great, but weather, rain, mud, and a combination of other things can leave the furniture in bad shape.
That being said, proper maintenance of the garden furniture can play a huge role in keeping it looking fresh, new, and well-maintained. The first aspect that comes with maintenance is keeping the furniture clean. Specific cleaners designed for cleaning the hardwood garden furniture should be used. You should always keep your furniture away from household detergents.
Why keep garden furniture away from household detergents?
Household detergents are not made for hardwood garden furniture. It is harsh, and the chemical formulation of these detergents can rip the finish from the wood. These abrasive chemicals can do damage that can’t be undone. Stripping the finish from the wood will leave the furniture exposed to damage and make it more vulnerable to threats from the outside environment.
Why should specific hardwood garden furniture cleaners be used?
There are cleaners available in the market that are specifically designed to clean hardwood garden furniture and patio furniture. Using these cleaners will be beneficial in getting the dirt and the dust off the furniture. It will also set the furniture in the right tone for the oiling. Using PH balanced garden furniture cleaners will save them from harsh chemicals and their side effects.
What is the oil finishes recommended for garden hardwood furniture?
Several oils give the right finish to the hardwood garden furniture. You can use any of these oils to oil your garden hardwood furniture and achieve a good finish as a result. Some of these oils are mentioned below.
1. Linseed Oil
Linseed oil is more commonly known as flaxseed oil. The finish achieved with the linseed oil is one of the most popular finishes for wooden furniture. Linseed oil has the property that can help it in saturating deep into the wood. Subsequently, this saturation helps protect wood against scratches and changes that may occur due to humidity.
Linseed oil is derived from the flaxseed plant but can be processed to varying degrees. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and satin finish that really brings out the color in the wood, then linseed oil should be your first preference.
2. Tung oil
It is a plant-based oil that is used as the finishing touch on hardwood furniture. The beneficial factor that it can quickly dry makes it a popular choice for wood finishing. It is clear, and like linseed oil, it can also penetrate deep in the wood to protect it from abrasive weather and chemicals. It is a natural, non-toxic, and eco-friendly oil that does the job well. Additionally, it doesn’t yellow the wood over time.
3. Mineral oil
Mineral oil is a term that is used to define oils that are clear and odorless. More often than not, the term is used to describe oils that are derivative of petroleum. Mineral oil is derivative of petroleum but is safe with kitchen utensils, wooden bowls, and any other kitchen items made of wood. Additionally, it can be used as a finish for wooden furniture. With other oils on the list, it is not the most desirable ones.
4. Walnut oil
Walnut oil is derived from the nuts of the juglans Regia tree. It is a safe food-safe oil, similar to mineral oil. This property makes it among the preferred oils for kitchen utensils and other kitchen items. In its purest form, it takes quite a long to dry, unlike linseed oil or Tung oil. unlike
5. Danish oil
Danish oil is a common oil used by woodworkers to provide a lasting finish on wooden furniture. Danish oil is basically a broadly used term to describe wood finished with any wood oil. Tung oil or linseed oil with a combination of other ingredients are commonly sold under the banner of Danish oil.
How to apply hardwood oil in garden furniture?
Knowing about the cleaning substances, oils, and their different kinds is not enough. The process of applying oil on wood is an easy one. But before oiling, there are a few things that should be crossed off the list. First, make sure that you are oiling on a clear day and there’s no rain prediction. Next, you should give the hardwood wooden furniture a generous clean with any specific wooden cleaner. It will make sure that there is no dust when you begin the oiling process.
The steps are as follows;
- Shake your oil tin well to make sure that the pigments in the oil are well mixed.
- Pour a good amount of oil onto a lint-free cloth.
- Always test first on a smaller patch of wood. It will give you a good idea about the overall result with the finish.
- Once you’re satisfied with your pilot testing, move on and apply the oil to the furniture. Make sure that the furniture is soaking the oil to give it a lasting and desirable finish.
- Once you finish the first coat, wipe away all the excess oil.
- Wait for the first coat to dry.
- It is suggested that you apply three coats of the oil for the best results.