A chainsaw with no spark can prove to be a white elephant, and some people may also get frustrated with it. But, how on earth will you be able to fix a chainsaw that has no spark.
The most common reason why chainsaw has no spark is because of a bad spark plug. Consider replacing the spark with a brand new one to see if it works. Other reasons include a damaged plug wire or even a damaged ignition coil.
Below, the draft will enrich the reader with every possible thing that is required for fixing a chain saw with no spark. If followed religiously, this blog can be the tool to make your out-of-order chainsaw work again. Hence, if you want to use your chainsaw again, there is no better option than following this blog to the end. It will not only help you to resolve your issue but will also assist you with extra knowledge related to your chainsaw.
How to fix a chainsaw having no spark?
There are various reasons why your chainsaw has no spark, and their solution can vary according to the situation. It may be due to out-of-order spark plug, impoverished condition of ignition coil, issues with plug wire, or it may also be due to a cracked distributor cap. If your chainsaw has no spark, then you must look for the issues mentioned above.
We understand that resolving all of the above-mentioned methods is getting confusing for you. Therefore, for your ease, in the coming draft, we will provide a complete and detailed guide that what is causing no spark in your chainsaw and how on earth you will be able to resolve it.
Chainsaw with no spark: reasons and remedies
As mentioned above, there may be numerous reasons that why your chainsaw has no spark. Below, we have enlisted some of the significant reasons and their solution that will allow you to use your chainsaw better than ever.
· Lousy Spark Plug
One of the most common reasons your chainsaw has no spark is the spark plug’s poor condition. Indeed, a spark plug is not made to last for years, and they lose durability if the chainsaw is used regularly for commercial purposes.
Therefore, if you think it has been ages since you replaced your spark plug, it is time to check it before altering any other part of your chainsaw to fix spark-related issues. Almost all chainsaw manufacturers recommend replacing the spark plug after 100 hours of usage. But you can do it before 100 hours if you are facing no spark in your chainsaw. Doing this will help you to fix your chainsaw with no spark.
· Damaged Plug Wires
If you know that there is no issue with the chainsaw spark plug and the chainsaw is witnessing no spark, the issue can be with the plug wire. Like any other electrical part, a plug wire can also stop working properly. This situation occurs when you use your chainsaw for so long with no rest. The solution to this issue is nothing but the replacement of the plug wire. For this, you first need to remove your chainsaw plug, separate the plug from the wire and then replace the wire. After it, you are good to attach your chainsaw plug to the new plug wire, and the spark issue will vanish automatically.
· Damaged Ignition Coil
The most common reason you have no spark in your chainsaw is the ignition coil. An ignition coil is solely responsible for spark creation in any mechanical device. So, if the chainsaw witnesses no spark even after replacing the plug and plug wire, the issue is certainly with the ignition coil. You may check the coil by placing the plug wire on any metallic part of the chainsaw.
If there is any spark jump, the coil is fine. If not, then you need to replace it. For fixing a chainsaw ignition coil, one may need assistance and some tool. Hence, it will be a good thought to take your chainsaw to your dealer if you find yourself unable to replace the coil.
What efforts do you need to place for keeping a good chainsaw?
Something that most people neglect is the maintenance of a chainsaw. Most people who own a chainsaw do never care if it needs maintenance or not. What they care about is, use the chainsaw and throw it into the garage. But, if you want to keep your chainsaw error-free, you will have to maintain it from time to time. It may only take 20 to 30 minutes, but it will allow you to keep your chainsaw in good condition, saving hundreds of dollars.
What else causes a chainsaw to stop working?
If you keep a chainsaw, then you must have been through phases when the spark is good, oil is enough, and yet the chainsaw is refusing to start. What is the reason behind it? If everything is fine with your chainsaw, yet it is not starting, the only thing you need to check is oil pipelines. Most of the time, people forget to service their chainsaw, resulting in a clogged fuel pipeline. It is one of the most common reasons that why you are unable to operate your chainsaw. Ergo, it will be better for you to keep a good check of your chainsaw’s oil lines if you want to avoid uncomfortable situations.
You are good to use your chainsaw
If you have been through this draft, you know the issue with your chainsaw and how you will be able to fix it. If you have already selected the issue after reading the blog, you are good to operate your chainsaw again. But make sure to take good care of it to avoid being stuck in bad situations.